If you have the ZoomInfo API it would be great if the SourceWhale extension would work when in ZoomInfo and add people to campaigns. Thank you!
Joy Fullerton
Amelia Scotney
Amelia Scotney
Hi Joy Fullerton, this is now live and you'll be able to use ZoomInfo TalentOS over search and project pages. Many thanks!
Joy Fullerton
Amelia Scotney - thank you so much!
Amelia Scotney
under review
Amelia Scotney
Hi Joy Fullerton,
Our extension does already work on some of ZoomInfo's pages. Was there a certain page in ZoomInfo you were wanting the extension to run over?
Joy Fullerton
Amelia Scotney Hello! We have Talent OS and when in a project or a regular search we never get any results.
Amelia Scotney
Joy Fullerton: Thanks for the extra info here Joy, we're taking a look into this issue.